Hi! I'm looking for someone to admin an instance of @takahe that I'm considering as my canonical fediverse presence; I'm pretty convinced that the platform that will succeed for bringing more mainstream brands/institutions into the fediverse may look more like this than like current Mastodon. https://jointakahe.org (I'm also interested in exploring using Datasette alongside for analysis/stats.) Anyone interested in helping? DM me or email with rates.
First impression of the home page is it's unreadable to me. Font too faint, does not respond to Firefox reader view.. Is that an indication of what the platform will look like? Mastodon is pretty easy to read.
Beyond that, Django/Python might be a popular stack.
Got ideas about what the place will look and behave like?
@anildash seems to think it will be better than Mastodon. But in what ways? What inspires your interest in working on it?
(I'm not really being skeptical, I'd be interested in something better. And I've done a lot of work in Django in the past.)
@bhaugen @anildash @takahe
https://jointakahe.org/about/ for the what/why of Takahē.
The why I'm tossing PRs at @andrew, he's a good person to work with (many years of positive interactions on the Django team). Being on the Django team, I'm biased towards Django apps.
Mastodon is also heavy for a single user instance. My Takahē instance runs entirely on a $2/mo VPS.